Waterinfo.vlaanderen.be is een site van de Vlaamse overheid:




Send us a message

If you have an urgent question or message in connection with (forecast) flooding? Then, please contact your local council (technical service) or the local fire service. They coordinate all emergency services in your municipality.

After they log on, professional users have access to the duty officer numbers of the Flemish water resource managers. These can be reached by phone at all times.

For other questions, public users can call the Flemish information service at 1700 (free of charge) on workdays from 9h to 19h.

You can use the form below to contact:
  • Flemish Environmental Agency (VMM) for a question about non-navigable watercourses;
  • Hydraulics Research Laboratory (HIC) for a question about navigable watercourses.

De persdiensten kunnen hun vragen over waterinfo rechtstreeks richten aan onze woordvoerders, die in permanent contact staan met onze verantwoordelijken van wacht.

  • Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij: 0473 99 28 70 (Katrien Smet, k.smet@vmm.be)
  • De Vlaamse Waterweg NV: 011 29 84 87 (Liliane Stinissen, Liliane.Stinissen@vlaamsewaterweg.be; )
  • Afdeling Kust: 059 55 42 11